Gods of the Left

The secular leftists continue their relentless quest to eradicate God from American discourse. They seek to refuse God any existence at all. They want the removal of the Creator from all discussions within the public square. For the leftists, God must remain the mathematical equivalent of the empty set. The 21st century Left finds references to Christian deities so dangerous to their agenda that they object to any and all displays of the accidental cross from the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Accidental 9/11 Cross - The New Left has filed law suits to prohibit its display

Accidental 9/11 Cross – The New Left has filed law suits to prohibit its display

Atheists are led by academicians, postmodern intellectuals and bestselling writers such as the late Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. Most of them tend—in my personal view—to belittle those who postulate the possibility of a universal Creator of any kind.

These champions for eradication of God from public discussion would have you believe that it is their outstanding intellects alone that should sell you on the truth of such an atheistic proclamation. Their pitch is that modern science has proven to all intelligent life the foolishness of the belief in an intentional Creator. The universe is a random accident over which a select group of self-anointed earthly humans must preside.

Although such a conclusion can be reasonably challenged by the logic of the scientific method and statistical analysis, I believe leftist political ambitions and quests for political supremacy, as much as the pursuit of scientific truth, are at the root of this obsession to outlaw a Creator from public acknowledgment. The Left must eliminate the concept of a universal Creator and kill off the idea of any power higher than that of the leftist themselves. This is a necessary step in removing a key political obstacle between them and absolute leftist control of America. The words “Our Creator and natures God” embedded in the Declaration of Independence block their vision of a rights-granting all-controlling authoritarian government. Specifically, the Declaration of Independence establishes the origin of the rights of citizens of the United States with the words:

…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

The penning of these words, along with the constitution that followed them, gave birth to the American Ideal. The words are clear and unarguable. The American Ideal, the genius of the founding fathers and the hope of mankind going forward into time, is quite simple: The Creator of the Universe endowed all men with a select few unalienable or fundamental rights. Or if you prefer, the natural universe endowed all men with these few basic rights.   Political functionaries, left or right, have no basis on which to endow us with these fundamental rights; rather, the governing class derive their temporary and provisional authorities for simple policy making solely from the consent of those of us who enter into brief and temporary contracts to be governed.

The postmodern atheists want to rule and will not stand for their imagined right to rule to be abridged by any mere Creator. In order for leftists to dictate to us through their central bureaucracy from whom all rights and blessings flow, God the Creator as found in the Declaration of Independence must first be eliminated. Thus, anti-constitutional leftists on the Federal bench, in the universities, and entrenched in the federal government are busily deconstructing the very constitutional foundation upon which our individual rights, responsibilities and freedoms stand. Should they succeed, the source of liberty—the very headwaters of our rights and freedoms—will flow from central government bureaucrats rather than the Declaration’s universal Creator and constitutional limitations of bureaucratic power. Then America will have vanished with the winds of time.

Critique of the history and culture of the world’s religions is the appropriate purview of intellectuals such as Hitchens and Dawkins. However, when they seek to drive out public acknowledgement of the universal Creator as found in the Declaration of Independence, it is time to call them on their hubris. When the leftists seek to install themselves as the replacements for the Creator who endowed us with unalienable rights, it is time to stand and fight.

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