Something Is Not Right In America

Something is not right  in America. We all sense it.  Reality seems to have been turned on its head. All decent people suddenly find themselves living in an Alice In Wonderland universe where up is down and down is up. We find ourselves living in a carnival house of mirrors where all normal things are distorted and misshapen. Boys and girls have vanished to be replaced by 58 sexes, we must agree that men can get pregnant, children are sexualized in public schools, children’s movies from Disney target five-year old’s with LGBT indoctrination, and arithmetic is racist. Anyone can be fired by corporate HR  Departments for failing to confess their white privilege and our mere presence in the public square is punishable by law.  The experience is terrifying.

Our dreams are haunted by the poetry of Yeats:

                                    Things fall apart

                                    The centre cannot hold

                                    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world

Each day brings fresh horrors and an ever tightening tyranny. With each breath we take, the snake of totalitarianism constricts our freedoms, our liberty and our very being until we can no longer breathe the air of democracy. In a tsunami of lockdowns, mandates, threats, election irregularities, and government intimidation we are ordered off the streets, out of the public square, away from our offices, out of our classrooms and admonished to seal ourselves in our homes under penalty of arrest, loss of employment, and public humiliation.  These terrors are not from some twentieth century dystopian novel.  This evil enterprise, this horror, is the reality of American life in the year 2022. 

The worst of it began in the Spring of 2020 when, almost simultaneously, every government, international body, world-citizen billionaire,  and global corporation in the Western World declared that a dangerous virus was about to kill the people of Earth in mass numbers. Although, in fact, it had not yet happened. These world-citizen elites claimed that this virus which was about befall the planet, conferred on them the authority to declare world-wide martial law in all Western countries including all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Thus it was, that the rule of law, Anglo-American jurisprudence, the American Constitution and Western democracy instantly disappeared in flurry of edicts, kangaroo courts, and declarations of absolute power by bureaucrats and politicians around the world.  These self-declared all-powerful self-adoring elites acted as one, worked in unison, and moved into action simultaneously. The citizens of the West were, in one fell-swoop, transformed from free and independent citizens into political slaves and prisoners.  This state of affairs continued until the Spring of 2022 when the so called virus turned out to be, though deadly to some, far more benign in scope than the end-of-the-world stories told by those who had seized absolute power.

Then the other shoe dropped. National governments, The World Health Organization,  The World Economic Forum, Soros NGO’s, global corporations and elite billionaires such as Bill Gates announced that never again would the Western world be allowed to “go back to  normal” and resume their former democratic freedoms and liberties. No, there was  to be a Great Reset orchestrated by, well, orchestrated by the elites themselves. Seven hundred years of political, economic and cultural evolution was to simply be discarded. Vaporized as if it had never existed. 

What does this Brave New World look like and how is it going to operate? Well, first there will be no more sovereign nation states. Nations will no longer exist except to function as mere administrative bodies carrying out the orders and instructions of newly empowered international ruling elites. These ruling elites can be found today in various global organizations such as the World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, corporate board rooms, international banks, the U.S. Congress,  NGO’s and the United Nations.

How are such a tiny infinitesimally small group of elites succeeding in ruling over the billions of “little people” in the Western World? They are maintaining their rule by using social monitoring machines to track the transactions and words of every ordinary citizen in real time, every minute of every day. Any behavior or transaction that is deemed to be contrary to the dictates of the global ruling body or one of their affiliates, will be recorded by the ceaselessly operating social monitoring machine. All violations of speech and action that are vacuumed up by the machine will be permanently stored for future use. Depending on the particular country, some form of immediate punishment is meted out to the offending citizen. In Canada, most often the punishment is the freezing of their financial accounts, in the U.S. and Australia an intimidating visit by a government agent or arrest followed by a show trial is more likely.   

 Indeed, the worst of the tyranny arrived in that hideous Spring of 2020 in the form of a much over-stated virus that had been conjured into existence by the minds of elite citizens of the world. However, it was at 11:00PM Eastern Time on November 8, 2016 that the elites first declared war on democracy, market economies, and free citizens everywhere.  At that instant, democratic life as we have known it in the United States came to an abrupt end.

November 8, 2016 was election day. Shortly after the polls closed that evening, post-election hysteria exploded on campuses across the land. A number of professors and university administrators took immediate action to convince their students that the election of Donald Trump signalled the end of civilization. Unilaterally declaring themselves to be the supreme political authority in the United States, university academics and bureaucrats on hundreds of campuses were insisting that their students take up the battle to repudiate and overturn the victory of the newly elected President.  Classes were closed, exams were cancelled, and special rooms were secured to protect Hillary supporting students from Donald supporting students. One could not miss the Bolshevik-like message of violence and presidential overthrow conveyed by these actions. This display of histrionics and sophomoric rejection of a valid democratic election by so many in the academy shocked the more rational among us raising reasonable questions about whether the academy, on whole, is capable of responsible custody of our young. 

Evidence of an academy-wide effort to enlist students in a battle to reverse the Trump victory began accumulating immediately after the last vote was cast. Yale University organized an all-school primal scream to allow students to express their horror at the Trump victory. Then several Yale professors closed classes and cancelled exams in recognition that students were “incapable of continuing on” in the face of what was being portrayed as the great electoral tragedy in the history of democracy. The campaign to foster a student movement aimed at incinerating the Trump victory did not end with class closings and exam cancellations.  Several in the faculty at the University of Washington set up a protected Unity Room so students could quickly take safe-refuge from Trump supporters whom the faculty apparently believed would be arriving any minute to take Hillary supporting students away to an American gulag. At my own alma mater, Claremont Graduate University, the Mansour Counselling  Centre immediately set up a 24/7 emergency counseling program. The day after the election, head of the Counseling Centre, Dr Vajk, sent an Email to every student, faculty member and administrator offering to treat students who had been, in his words, “traumatized by the results of the election”.  Claremont classes were cancelled and otherwise sane professors began wearing black funeral attire to class.  The faculty published a statement of “conscience” that was so sophomoric, vapid and filled with errors of elementary logic that it would have received an “F” in any high school English class. All this madness by the professors at Claremont would have been hilarious if not for the reality that it was revealing to all the world the utter immaturity and imbecility of a faculty that had been, until that day, renowned.

The immediate post-election mayhem and vandalism by the universities was child’s play when compared to permanent campaign of character assassination launched by the global Great Reset crowd to destroy Donald Trump and his supporters.  Obama’s Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were turned into political crime syndicates no different than the KGB for the purpose of politically and socially destroying Trump and those around him. Throughout Trump’s presidency, that cancer of corruption known as the U.S. federal bureaucracy poisoned everything Trump tried to do. These agencies and the people who run them remain in place to this day and continue to use the machinery of the federal bureaucracy to destroy their political enemies and their enemies’ family members. 

The Great  Reset crowd spent billions over five years to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency. Why? Because Trump was the one person determined to bring the anti-American globalization movement to an end and restore the American middle class to its previous success and rescue them from the devastation that the North American Free Trade Agreement and other international multilateral treaties had wrought. Trump was going to strengthen national security by rebuilding domestic manufacturing capability.  But  the globalization elites that collect around the water cooler at the World Economic Forum were not about to let the likes of Donald Trump and his middle-class Americans bring an end to their financial manipulations, transfers of wealth, and their rape of the United States manufacturing class. And make no doubt about it, Davos Man and The Great Reset crowd are behind the attempted extinguishing of Donald Trump. Their hatred for Donald Trump is such that they happily ruined the United States of America to destroy him. But the United States means little to the Great Reset crowd and men of Davos, they are after all, citizens of the world.

When we watch the antics of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and the rest of the Kabuki Theatre crowd let us remember that they and their political parties are but bit players in the Great Reset.  And let us remember that the madness in the wake to 2016 presidential election, the viscous six-year campaign to destroy Donald Trump, the questionable election of 2020, the COVID tyranny of 2020 and 2021, corporate WOKE tyranny, and now the official launching of history’s Greatest Reset are all part of one single movement: The movement to destroy constitutional democracies around the world, end competitive free markets, and unwind Western culture. The end game is to replace these hard-earned treasures with a Brave New World ruled by postmodern totalitarian elites and their Big-Tech social monitoring machines.  

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