Open Letter to the Supreme Court

Supreme Court of the United States
 1 First Street, NE
 Washington, DC 20543

As a non-lawyer and mere work-a-day American I share my thoughts and feelings on the Supreme Court’s decision to reject the election fraud case filed by the State of Texas

Dear Justices:

For 80 years, the august High Court has been slowly but steadily devolving from its beginning as an Anglo-American rule-of-law institution populated with respected Justices and heroes of the Republic into a hog pit of fancy-robbed self-dealing slick politicians.  No awe-inspiring pillars in front of the Supreme Court building can change this essential truth.  As it stands at this moment, I, and I believe a hundred million other Americans, are of the opinion that none of you are worthy of the title Justice.

On Friday, you announced to the world that that you have unanimously joined the Great Cover Up of  the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud. Because of your abdication of duty, we tiny average Americans will now live, from this day forward, in an authoritarian hell under an illegitimate regime.  The only price you will pay for helping bring this about is that the long arm of History will mark forever that at hour of your calling, you refused the call and allowed the American Republic to be undone by evil forces.

Here Are The Facts That Most Americans Know To Be True

  1. The state of Texas has standing. The evidence and the facts of this are overwhelming. Your “arguments” for denying standing are disingenuous and knowingly false. The arguments are little more than law clerk drivel. The fact that you think you have given yourselves political cover for abandoning the nation in its most frightening hour of desperation should embarrass you, not please you.


  1. The Court has the constitutional and moral responsibility to hear cases that fall under its original jurisdiction. You are required to take the Texas case and give it a full due process hearing on the merits with all evidence presented, weighed and objectively judged in front of the public eye. The case is also, by proxy, a vehicle for all Americans who are seeking redress from having, what they believe is their legitimately elected President being unlawfully and unconstitutionally denied the office that the evidence strongly suggests he won.


  1. You must well know that compelling federal questions are at the heart of this case. You must well know that there are constitutional issues of grave historical significance embedded throughout the case. No phony made-up legal argument by career deep state bureaucrats masquerading as Justices can make this fact untrue or unknown by the body politic.


  1. The fact-supported allegations of the many hundreds of incidents of fraud in the election scream out for this hearing on the merits. The scream is from a hundred million American citizens seeking to be heard. Screams that you have so willingly smothered.


  1. Evidence and facts overwhelmingly point to unimaginable voting violations, mass-scale election irregularities, and a concerted effort to falsify the results of the 2020 Presidential election. The stunning statistical anomalies alone compel a comprehensive long-term independent forensic investigation into the evidence and allegations of fraud followed by a full due process hearing before the world, a due process that the Court, of all institutions, is working so diligently to suppress.


  1. Indications and signs of criminal manipulation by the Chines Communist Party in the 2020 elections are rampant and our national security is very likely being put in grave danger. There is ample evidence that the regime that is currently trying to seize executive and legislative power by means of this election fraud may well be working with the CCP. The issues embedded in this case are not only federal and constitutional – they are existential.

            The evidence and facts shout that the Republic will be taking its last breath of life in 2020.  Is this true or not? Surely, a full due process hearing of the evidence and facts is a moral imperative. As you put your head on your pillow tonight remember that as you sleep history is writing the story of what you do. 

            In closing let me say that I am aware of the disrespect I have shown in places throughout this letter. I am pained to be disrespectful to an institution that until very recently, I revered and respected with my entire being.  Despite the frequent abandonment of Anglo-American jurisprudence over the last 80 years and the ever continuing rise of using the Court for implementation of personal cultural desires rather than for keeping faith with the rule of law, I never lost faith in the ultimate commitment of the Supreme Court, as an institution, to the Constitution and the Republic– until Friday.


Brent Perkins

San Diego, Ca.


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